Free Trial Afternoon Terms & Conditions

****Members must read the membership terms and conditions. Please note that each membership plan will have tailored terms and conditions related to the benefits included. 

Terms and conditions include the following:

Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area is a 501c3, NJ based non-profit with a mission to support and accelerate a community of innovators advancing the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The undersigned agrees to accept and Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area (“IHNYMA”), and its employee, affiliates, partners, agents and assigns (collectively IHNYMA), agree as follows:

Your membership entitles you to access the shared coworking space: 9am - 6pm, Monday - Friday, excluding holidays and weekends, and other dates unless otherwise stated*. If you are  a connect membership, you will be limited to 2 days per month, if you are a full member or founding member you will be able to access the space any day during the month of membership that we are open to members.

Membership includes:

-working from the workspace during opened hours

-charging work devices as needed

-sharing tables and desk space with others

-Participating in member events or other activities in the space that may be open to the public

-Use of shared restrooms on the floor

-Use of shared kitchenette

-Opportunity to book meeting room for use, if available

-Discounted events space rentals

-Participation in an online community

The undersigned authorizes IHNYMA to debit/deduct from your bank account or charge your credit card, as appropriate, for consecutive monthly payments in line with chosen membership plan. 

The consecutive monthly payments shall be due and owing regardless of whether you use the facilities in that month. If you change your bank information or your credit card is closed or expires, you are responsible for informing IHNYMA of such change(s), in writing, within three (3) business days. 

For monthly membership plans, unless IHNYMA is notified in writing five (5) days prior to the end of the Agreement, the Membership Agreement shall self-renew for another term of one (1) month under the same terms. After a year, prices will be increased by 5%+ of the previous year’s prices. Member acknowledges that they have read and understand this and all related materials associated with this membership Agreement entitled, “Terms & Conditions of Membership Agreement”, including the cooling off period and cancellation policy. The Member and/or purchaser is/are fully aware and accepts the legal consequences of signing this Membership Agreement.

Request for Electronic Funds Transfer: As a convenience, I authorize my bank to make payment to IHNYMA, including monthly dues, late fees, and any past due amounts. I agree that the treatment of such payment shall be the same as if it were signed personally by me.

Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area is located at 417 5th Avenue on the 8th floor, in unit 814. If you are purchasing a New Jersey-based  membership you can use our location at 26 West Park Place, Morristown, NJ. 

Consideration. Member expressly acknowledges that the obligations of this Agreement are supported by good and adequate consideration.

Closure of facility*: Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area reserves the right to interrupt co-working during the day to host events and activities aligned with its mission. Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area may temporarily close the space during the day for events with 2 week notice to its members. Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area reserves the right to close the hub at any time if there is an issue with the space or building that must be resolved, an issue with staffing, or for any other reason.

Storage: Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area does not permit members to store belongings at the hub, and is in no way responsible for any personal or company belongings.

Access: Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area reserves the right to refuse access to the space to members and others that are rude to other members or staff, in a state of drunkenness or other substance, or wish the institution and its members harm in any way. The workspace will be shared by others as well, and at certain times there may be more or fewer other members sharing the space, which will have an effect on what seating and desk space is available, as well as the volume of the workspace. Members who are not up-to-date in membership payments owed to IHNMA, will not be granted access to the space and online community until owed monies are paid in full.

Emergency: In the event of an emergency, including but not limited to fire, carbon monoxide, or other emergencies, members will be responsible to vacate the premises without delay. Failure to do so will result in a termination of membership.

Damage and Safe Workspace: members are responsible for any damage they do to the space, outside of normal wear and tear. Members will be responsible for furniture they break, facilities they use, and any other damage they may do to the space. Members are also responsible for ensuring their safe use of the space, paying attention to carpets, wires and cords they may trip on.

LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Member individually, and on behalf of the Member’s personal representative, heirs, administrators, assigns and successors hereby expressly, forever release and discharge IHNYMA, agents and employees, from all such claims, demands, actions, or causes of action that may arise from participation in programs and the use of facilities offered at IHNYMA resulting from negligence or recklessness of the Member, other members, guests, patrons, etc. for personal injury (including death). Member agrees that their personal insurance, or their own funds, will cover the cost of treating any and all injures. EXCEPT THAT nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude IHNYMA’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its gross negligence. Member understands that they (or any Releasing Parties acting on my behalf) are entitled to bring a Claim against IHNYMA for death or personal injury caused as a result of any gross negligence.

Injury. Member agrees to notify IHNYMA at the time of an accident/injury and to fill out an accident report as soon as possible. Member agrees that they will be examined by his/her own licensed physician at his/her own expense. Member shall make available to IHNYMA any and all reports made by the physician related to the injury. IHNYMA may require that another physician examine you at its expense.

Member Rules and Regulations. Member agrees to abide by all posted and/or printed rules and regulations, which may be amended by IHNYMA from time to time. Failure or refusal to abide by such rules and regulations shall result in the loss of membership privileges without refund of moneys. IHNYMA reserves the right to alter the days and hours of operation and offerings of classes at any time, as necessary to best serve its members.

Values: Members elect to join Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area in good faith, including in trust with other members and Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area. Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area requests it’s team and members embrace the values of:

-Inclusivity and belonging

-Trust and mutual respect

-Innovation and collaboration

- Respect for community space: Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area’s spaces are community spaces. Access to these community spaces requires a different mindset than non-community coworking spaces. Members are required to:

-Work together to keep the space clean and in good condition, including disposing of personal refuse;

-Recycle properly;

-Clean up after yourself;

-Leave the restroom and workspace as you found it;

-Be proactive to take care of the space as it is for you!

Termination of Membership: IHNYMA has a zero-tolerance policy for the following behavior. If the Member is found by IHYMAto be doing any of the following, IHYMA, at its sole discretion will terminate Member’s membership immediately without notice and without any refund:

-Failure to follow the rules;

-Rude, excessively noisy, disorderly, or disruptive behavior to other persons using the facility;

-Hate speech of any kind;

-Failure to maintain the facility in a cleanly manner;

-Utilizing drugs, illegal substances, and other behavior altering substances while on premises;

-Utilizing the facility in an unsafe manner;

-Physically harming another person, animal, or property while at the facility;

-Harassment or bullying of any kind;

-Failure to make payments as directed;

-Failure to cooperate during emergency; and

-Damaging the facility;

Waiver of Likeness. Member hereby gives IHNYMA permission to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, and/or likenesses, which may be edited disseminated, adapted, modified copied, used, exploited in whole or in part in all media and formats throughout the world in perpetuity for any legitimate commercial or non-commercial purpose, including but not limited to promoting, advertising, and marketing, in print, on websites, or other mediums, without prior notice or compensation.

“Cooling Off” Period. If Member decides to cancel the Agreement, member must notify IHNYMA in writing received before midnight on the third business day after Member signs this Agreement. The notice must be hand delivered or e-mailed to IHNYMA shall acknowledge receipt of your notice and return up to 100% of any monies received from you.

Cancellations. If Member intends to cancel the membership Agreement at IHNYMA, member must email more than 5 days before the next month of membership begins. prior to the expiration of the full term, they must notify IHNYMA, in writing of his/her intent to cancel, and have a meeting with a IHNYMA staff member. (A parent or guardian must attend this meeting if the member is less than 18 years of age.) If, after the meeting, you still decide to cancel this membership Agreement, you agree to pay a cancellation fee of 40% of the remaining balance to IHNYMA. This membership Agreement shall automatically terminate in the event of member’s death without a cancelation fee.

Relocation. If Member permanently relocates his/her residence (as stated in the Agreement) more than twenty-five (25) miles from the facility, and provides IHNYMA with proof of such relocation in the form of a utility bill, Member may cancel Agreement without being subject to cancellation fees. If the cancellation is made, no additional installments shall be deducted/debited from bank accounts, or charges made to credit card by IHNYMA. If at the time of enrollment member’s residence is already 25 miles from the facility, this section will not apply. In the event that the facility moves its operation from 417 5th Avenue, Member shall have the option to cancel this Agreement if the facility’s new address is more than twenty-five (25) from Member’s residence by providing the proof stated above.

Closing of the Facility. If the facility is closed for thirty (30) days or more, Member is entitled to either an extension of this membership Agreement for a period equal to the duration of the closing at no additional cost, or a prorated refund. However, if the closing is not due to the fault of IHNYMA, such as force majeure, an act of God, such as fire, flood or other natural calamity, or an act of war, terrorism, strike or labor dispute, then the choice of remedy shall be solely at the discretion of IHNYMA.

Time- Off Period. If Member is unable to work from the facility for a minimum of thirty (30) days, member must notify IHNYMA. Upon receiving such notification, IHNYMA agrees to extend member’s account, at no cost, for an amount of time equal to such absence. Member shall not be entitled to receive a pro-rated discount for the extension.

Late Payments. Payments later than (5) calendar days after due date are considered late. IHNYMA shall not permit access to the facility until payment is made. IHNYMA requires a $30 late fee for all late payments as well as a $35 returned check fee. Checks may not be accepted as payment at the discretion of IHNYMA.

Default. Under this Agreement, default is the non-payment of scheduled monthly payments in excess of sixty (60). In default, the entire amount owed will become immediately due and payable. The account may be referred to collections, and/or mediation. IHNYMA shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney’s fees, mediation cost, interest on the past due amount at the rate of 2% per month and a collection fee equal to 50% of the outstanding amount then due (as a collection fee and not a penalty).

Authority to Enter into Agreement. The signers of this Agreement represent that they have full power and authority to bind the parties in this Agreement.

Co-Signer. Any person signing this Agreement as a co-signer, purchaser, parent or guardian shall be jointly, severally and individually liable to IHNYMA for the full contract price as if such person signed as the member.

Member understands that there is a global pandemic occurring as a result of COVID-19 also known as CORONA VIRUS or SARS-CoV-2. Even though this business making reasonable efforts and taking reasonable precautions to prevent the spread of disease, I understand that I may still contract COVID-19 or other diseases caused by or related to COVID-19, or other diseases yet unknown and spreading.

COVID-19 - Although COVID-19 may not have any noticeable symptoms, it is highly contagious and may have severe symptoms which could lead to DEATH. COVID-19 is thought to spread primarily from person to person, mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Spread is more likely when people are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about this virus. ADDITIONALLY, THERE IS NO WAY TO GUARANTEE THAT EXPOSURE IS NOT POSSIBLE WHILE SERVICES ARE BEING PERFORMED AND/OR GOODS ARE BEING EXCHANGED EVEN WITH REASONABLE PRECAUTIONS TAKEN. BECAUSE THERE IS A LIKELIHOOD THAT YOU MAY BE EXPOSED TO COVID-19 WHILE OBTAINING SERVICES/GOODS FROM THIS BUSINESS, YOU HAVE WEIGHED THE RISKS, AND DETERMINED THAT DESPITE THE RISKS TO YOUR HEALTH THAT MAY RESULT IN DEATH, YOU WISH TO HAVE THESE SERVICES PERFORMED BY THIS BUSINESS.

Governing Laws. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New Jersey; any and all disputes under and/or related to this Agreement shall be resolved first by either by binding arbitration or mediation by a mediator or arbitrator selected by IHNYMA, and in the event that the dispute is unable to be resolved by the former, it shall be resolved in a Court of the State of New Jersey, in Morris County. In the event of a dispute respecting this membership Agreement, each party will pay its own attorney’s fees and costs.

Disputes. Any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the relationship, either during the existence of the relationship or afterwards, between the parties hereto, their assignees, their affiliates, their attorneys, or agents, may be arbitrated at the sole discretion of the IHNYMA. MEMBER EXPRESSLY UNDERSTANDS THAT: in arbitration, IHNYMA will not have a trial before a jury in a courtroom open to the public. The outcome of the arbitration will not be appealable and will remain confidential, and the discovery available in arbitration may be more limited than in a judicial forum. IHNYMA is not required to participate in arbitration prior to seeking any injunctive relief. Judgment upon an award rendered in arbitration may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. If litigation is elected, litigation will be solely in state or federal court of New Jersey in the county in which IHNYMA’s business is addressed or Morris County. Each party (1) submits to the jurisdiction of such court, (2) waives the defense of an inconvenient forum, (3) agrees that valid consent to service may be made by mailing or delivery of such service to the party's last known address, if personal service delivery cannot be easily effected, and (4) authorizes and directs the Agent to accept such service in the event that personal service delivery cannot easily be effected.


Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and if any provision is found to be unenforceable, the other provisions shall remain fully valid and enforceable. This Agreement shall survive the termination of any arrangement contained herein.

Entire Agreement. This membership Agreement constitutes the entire understanding and agreement between the parties. No changes, alterations, modifications or qualifications to the terms hereto shall be binding unless in writing and signed by both parties. This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements previously made between IHNYMA and Member, whether oral or written.

Cobot Terms & Conditions

Cobot is the web platform used by Impact Hub New York Metropolitan Area to provide this website.

See Cobot Terms
